- You know or know someone who knows The Nervous Squirrel – you and your sponsor’s asses are on the line; you fek up, Squirrel comes for you and your sponsor (please indicate sponsor and use your real name/email in registration so you can be clearly identified)
- If you have a gambling problem or are playing with money you shouldn’t lose, move along – this is not the league you are looking for
- This is meant to be 100% fun, so if you do not like the rules, tech, outcome, etc. – tough teets – make your own league
- Please pay the $50 league fees promptly when asked (instructions in the site are pending) – or the public shaming will be significant
- This is an inaugural year – please be patient – rules are subject to change and this tree will bear fruit as we get our shite together and have a lot of fun – but TNS is just a sole squirrel and has a day job (contrary to popular belief)